Transient markers sometimes appeared on Groove Clips.
After splitting a clip with transient markers on, markers on right-side clip remained on after switching tools.
SONAR would temporarily hang when adding envelope nodes at transients.
When adding envelope nodes at transient markers, nodes were created for disabled markers.
Drag/scroll did not work with the Transient Tool when selecting transient markers off screen.
The AudioSnap Palette would always re-open on the primary monitor, even when closed from a secondary monitor.
AudioSnap Enable did not light up in the palette after selecting "Edit Clip Map".
Clicking AudioSnap Enable/Disable button would sometimes hide the waveform of the clip.
Using Copy as MIDI would paste notes at 100% duration, making it difficult to work with.
Tab to Transients in the PRV always followed the first track rather than the selected track.
MIDI events would not snap to transients in the AudioSnap Pool.
MIDI events could not be quantized in the AudioSnap Pool.
Improved results using Threshold control.
SONAR would sometimes crash when choosing 'Set Measure/Beat at Now'.
Clicking Set Clip from Project would sometimes cause SONAR to crash under specific conditions.
Velocity control had slightly different behavior for Rhythm Only shapes.
Open Preset dialog did not always remember last folder location.
Arpeggiator introduced random, flammed or doubled notes when using some pattern-based presets.
Extra root notes played quietly when using "Rhythms" presets.
Arpeggiator widget group would not appear unless FX Bin was also enabled.
Arpeggiator user interface would remain on after an instrument track was frozen.
Paste | Advanced dialog had missing accelerator keys.
Insert Tracks dialog had incorrect or missing accelerator keys.
Extra Encoding Options was missing a keyboard accelerator.
Can now change focus in Track view to the Track Inspector.
Using keybinding to arm a track did not always work while a project was playing.
Accelerator keys fixed for the following: Audio Effects Dialog, Audio Options.
New ACT mappings for PX-64, VX-64 and Session Drummer 3.
Improved parameter controls for Dimension LE, Dimension Pro, DropZone, Pentagon I, Rapture, Rapture LE & Z3ta+.
KIT files for easy kit loading without changing programs
All Steven Slate, Sonic Reality and Cakewalk kits now have.
Channel output selections are now simple dropdown lists.
New indicator to show when Expander is functioning as a Gate.
70+ new impulse responses, provided by Acousticas.
When using Tabbed Edit Views, you can now drag content from Media Browser to the Matrix View Tab to open the Matrix View and drop the content on the cell.
New mode to preview audio/MIDI content in sync with project tempo.
Now supports clips of up to 30 minutes in length.
Accessibility and QWERTY keyboard support.
Now supports Step Sequencer Patterns containing probabilities.
Cell content can now be dragged into the Track View.
New option to automatically Groove Clip audio and MIDI clips when dragging into the Matrix View.
Now defaults to loading one server this setting can be changed by the user and will be saved across sessions Server preference can now be assigned per-plug-in, and will be saved with projects